Happy birthday, Classic Car Weekly

THIS week marks 25 years since Classic Car Weekly was launched - and I've been involved in helping to create the 104-page anniversary issue, which hits the shops today.

It's weird to think that I hadn't even started at primary school when the first issue - the one you see above - went on sale, so it's very much a newspaper which I've grown up with. As part of the issue I've finally been chucked the keys to my favourite car of all time - but that's another story for another day - along with taking my MGB GT on an adventure in North Wales and dissecting why the Mazda MX-5 is such a great small sports car. I should know - I've owned two!

It's been a couple of weeks since the 100th issue of Classic Car Weekly I've worked on went to press, and more than two years after I joined it's still a huge privilege to be working on it, despite some of the anecdotes I've picked up along the way. Anecdotes that include mending a leaking MX-5 with condoms, breaking down during rush hour in an E-type, accidentally attempting to mow down a Belgian motorcyclist with an Austin Allegro and upsetting the makers of Hollyoaks.

Not all at the same time, you'll be pleased to note!

The 25th anniversary issue of Classic Car Weekly is in the shops now

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