An ADAS glossary for the acronym challenged

If you’ve got ACD, you’ve come to the right place.

Paul Leroux
Someday, in the not-so-distant future, your mechanic will tell you that your CTA sensor has gone MIA. Or that your EDA needs an OTA update. Or that the camera system for your PLD has OSD. And when that day happens, you’ll be glad you stumbled across this post. Because I am about to point you to a useful little glossary that takes the mystery out of ADAS acronyms. (The irony being, of course, that ADAS is itself an acronym.)

Kidding aside, acronyms can stand in the way of clear communication — but only when used at the wrong time and place. Otherwise, they serve as useful shorthand, especially among industry insiders who have better things to do than say “advanced driver assistance system” 100 times a day when they can simply say ADAS instead.

In any case, you can find the glossary here. And when you look at it, you’ll appreciate my ulterior motive for sharing the link — to demonstrate that the ADAS industry is moving apace. The glossary makes it abundantly clear that the industry is working on, or has already developed, a large variety of ADAS systems. The number will only increase, thanks to government calls for vehicle safety standards, technology advances that make ADAS solutions more cost-effective, and growing consumer interest in cars that can avoid crashes. In fact, Visiongain has estimated that the global ADAS market will experience double-digit growth between 2014 and 2024, from a baseline estimate of $18.2 billion.

And in case you’re wondering, ACD stands for acronym challenged disorder. ;-)

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